Guy Burt

award-winning novelist and screenwriter

Thanks for stopping by: my name's Guy, and when I was thirteen years old I wrote a novel that saved my life. This website is about writing and reading; about characters; about stories. If you explore, you'll find thoughts on writing, background on my novels, diary entries from the writing process, scrapbook photos – all kinds of strange stuff.

I'm also a screenwriter. For television I've written original dramas and I've adapted other people's books. I've also seen my own book adapted into a feature film. Novels and screenplays are very different creatures, but they can learn a lot from each other. I have more to say about this process in the blog and the newsletter (see below).


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I'm keeping a journal of writing progress on new projects, so if you're interested in character development, how stories evolve, and how random thoughts can turn into inspiration, sign up to stay in the loop.